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Choreographic cartographies

Mapping movement (bodies, spaces, territories) carried by Anne Laure Amilhat Szary and Gretchen Schiller

"What is choreography if not an embodied practice that requires a continuous reorganization of space?" (Osterweis 2016). But how does this reconfigure the power of action?

How bodies that choose to move (eg dancers, actors, athletes) can be very different from those who are forced to move (migrants). These two distinct contexts will be explored in two interdisciplinary research projects. One will focus on those who have chosen to move through a study of the gesture of expert performers (in circus and dance) and the other on everyday gestures in urban context, studying more specifically migrants and people in exile who are forced to move. Working in these two very different socio-cultural contexts will allow us to address the critical and ethical approaches to capturing and representing the action powers of the moving body, and to engage critically in related issues. heritage of performance, memory and identity.

Geo-gestures: located actions and scalarity. Here, the repertoires of usual gestures for given socio-cultural contexts will be gathered through experiences of participative performances. Working on the situational dimension of performance involves questioning how the action supports both the weight of the site in which it is growing and the way it does it. influence in return. The goal is to characterize the scalarity and spatialization of performance and to explore a multilayered "kinaesthetic topology" (Schiller & Rubidge 2014) bodily experiments. Working with populations, and more specifically migrants and those in exile, will allow us to deploy our scalar analysis both in time (transgenerational) and in space (global / local). This approach will allow us to focus on socio-cultural issues such as memories and emotional spaces, diaspora spaces, transnationalities or translocities, etc.

Submitted on October 10, 2023

Updated on October 10, 2023